Theories of Asian Architecture
Project 1: Contextual Study Sketch Journal of a Traditional Street
Being the first project, it was made as an individual task where we were to roam a traditional street of our choice and produce a study sketch journal of the site. Mainly focusing on its heritage, architecture and culture that surrounds the site. I had chosen to study Lorong Panggung, which is the alley branching from Jalan Panggung, and it caught my eye due to the sheer brightness of the place alongside the hidden gems within it.
From this project, I can say that I have gained a new way of looking at the traditional streets that adorn the towns around me. From not only the architecture, but also the culture and lives that make up a good part of the street's identity as until this point, I have only focused on the buildings for they make the skyline. This project was an eye opener to the other factors that also must be appreciated.
Project 2: Poster and Seminar-Contemporary Issues in Asian Architecture
For this next project, we were presented with the challenge of coming up with a topic proposal regarding Issues in Asian Architecture and to finalize it with a research poster and video presentation about it. Being in a group of 6, my group and I divided the tasks and got set to work, developing our proposal first.
From this, we further developed through the research questions by coming up with plausible solutions and more solid reasonings behind them and compile all our findings and understandings into a research poster.
After the completion of this project, I can conclude that I have gained a much more deeper insight into the issues that are prevalent to this day, but isn't as showcased or have had the awareness about it raised to the public eye. Not only has it helped develop my research and evaluating ways, but it has also challenged me in terms of teamwork and communications, which covers a great range of skills, all from just one project.